Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Methods of Science

Hello Champions. So, we got a chance to measure temperature using a Celsius thermometer today. We will finish the worksheets and the activity on Wednesday. A couple of important things to remember: If you are absent, you must make up the work. I am after school on thursday. Please give me at least 24 hours notice. Also, if you need to retake a quiz, you must have the quiz signed by a parent. I will always take the higher grade. It is a "win" situation for you to retake and get a better grade. Please keep your folder organized. Part of your grade is organization. I did collect some of the papers on monday to put in your portfolio folder. Again, this is part of your grade. It is a "win" situation for you. Thursday we will be starting "The Methods of Science". I have enclosed a link with the title of this post. It has some further info on "The Methods"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Metric Conversions and Temp.

Happy Monday Champions.
So, we are on the final leg of our tour through the metric system. I have added a web link. www.metric-conversions.org. This can help you convert our units into metric.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Let's Review

Today, we could to use the triple-beam and pan balance scales to measure the mass of certain objects. Everyone did a great job! We have a quiz on friday on measurement. The quiz will have some of the vocabulary words and some questions about how to read a meter stick, a graduated cylinder, and a triple beam balance. We will review tomorrow in class, but study hard. This might be a good practice for the quiz. Also the vocabulary words are located on http://www.homeworknow.com/. I hope this helps. I will also be afterschool tomorrow.Also, you can go to http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classmetric.html. This will have a review and answer sheet for you. Good luck.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Camp Lincoln

Well, Champions, we have just spent our first day at Camp Lincoln. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Tomorrow, we will be kayaking, doing some archery, and exploring more of Camp Lincoln. Why do you think we go to Camp Lincoln? What do you learn from the experience?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Open House

Hello Champions. I hope you are getting into the SI system of measurement. We are just about finished with Volume. We will start looking at Mass on friday. What do you think is the SI unit for Mass in the Metric System?
Open House was a great time. It was awesome finally meeting your parents. You are lucky kids. I hope to attach the powerpoint we used for open house.
Tomorrow in class we will be investigating "water displacement". Yes, Archimedes Principle.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Hi Champions. We are getting into what Scientist use around the world to take measurements when they collect data. Why do you think it is important that all scientist use the SI unit of measurement? Tonight, we have open house. I hope to get to meet your parents and tell them how wonderful you are? Don't forget Camp Lincoln is next week.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday and Upcoming evernts

Hi Champions. Well, using the graduated cylinders today was very interesting. Monday, we will be going to the Library for orientation on library use. We will be doing an interesting activity. I can't tell what it is but it will be fun and educational. Also, we have open house on wednesday. I have to take some pictures on monday. So, someone please remind me to get out the camera and start the journey! If you click on the title of the blog, you will be directed to our webpage for the school. Have a great weekend Champions. You are awesome!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Measurement with Length and Volume.

Well, It is almost friday. Be sure to read over the Laboratory Safety section of your Sciencesaurus. Today, we will be reviewing some of the topics we have discussed and examined. I have attached both powerpoints we used this week. Just click on the Title: Measurement with length and Volume.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well, Champions, it is finally Thursday. We are going to be exploring measurement. I have attached a website that has information on what Scientist use to measure things. We will be exploring why all Scientist use the SI units. Make sure you keep your Sciencesaurus at home. We will be using it tonight to look up some words that are important to Scientist.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Picture Day and Moving on

Today is Picture Day for 6C champions. In Science we will be reviewing tools that Scientist use and we will start using these tools.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cool Tools of Science

Today we will be looking at some "Cool Tools". I have a powerpoint that I will be showing in class. Most of the material in the Powerpoint can also be found in your Sciencesaurus on Pages 46-50. I am going to try and download the powerpoint. I am having a little trouble with this.
Let us all get ready for another great week of Science.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Hi Champions. Have a great weekend. If you click on friday, it should send you to "Morrison's" lab. It has the interactive page for the science safety that we did in class today. On Tuesday, we will be looking at some tools we use in science.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Science Safety

Hi Champions. I have attached a science safety quiz that you can take online. We will be talking about science safety tomorrow in class. Just click on the title of this blog and take the quiz.