Thursday, October 15, 2009

Home Lab

Hello Champions. Well, the NECAPS are a thing of the past. You all did really great. I know everyone did their best. So, getting back to the "Home Lab". The Final Report is due on Friday, October 23rd. In the Final Report you should include the following:
1. Question: Which problem are you going to test? What is your question? For example, which paper towel absorbs the most water?
2. Research: This is your background information. Commericials, parent polls, internet info, or general info you have about your experiment.
3. Your Hypothesis: If I put the "bounty" paper towel in 50ml of water, it will absorb more water than "Viva" and "Hannaford" paper towels.
4. Procedure: These are the steps you take to do your experiment.
1. Gather materials.
2. Pour 50ml of water into a glass.
3. place paper towel in glass so that it is completely submerged in water.
5. This is your data table
6. Conclusion: What did your data tell you? What did you learn from doing this experiment. It should be one paragraph.

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