Monday, November 2, 2009

Forces and Motion

Greetings Champions. The Halloween party on friday night was such a success! Many thanks to the parents and PTSA who put it together. We are so lucky to have such a great group of parents.

As you know, I will be a Ferry Beach on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. We have started our unit on Forces and Motion. We got to try our luck at the Gizmo on Motion. This week you will be looking at motion and the different things that effect motion. We are finishing our"Jigsaw" activity on friday. I am letting the Subsitute teacher know that you guys need to see the Brainpop on motion and the one on forces. You can always go to and look at the videos. our username is timberlane1 and out password is tigers. Please help the subsitute with anything to do with setting up the brainpop. I know you will all be respectful, responsible, and make the right choices.

1 comment:

  1. I will keep an eye on things in the back of the room. Mrs. Hartwell, August and I need a new filter thing for our filter. Thanks, Tippy and August, turtles of 6C
