Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Resources Project

Name _________________________________ Date _________ Period ____

Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Sources

Research Project


Your task is to select a renewable and nonrenewable resource.  Prepare a report to present your findings to your classmates.


The report should consist of a description of each resource.  Provide information about the report ideas listed below. You will also need to compare and contrast the renewable and nonrenewable resources you have chosen. 


Some common resources are:

NONRENEWABLE                     RENEWABLE

*  oil                                * hydro

*  coal                                         * solar

*  nuclear                                    * wind

*  natural gas                              * biomass

*  geothermal


The following report ideas should be included in your summaries/presentations:


        What is the original source of your energy?

        How does this technology work? (describes the steps to create electricity) List at least 3 advantages to your resource.

        List at least 3 disadvantages to your resource.

        How can this energy source be managed so we don’t run out of the resource?

        Is this technology widely accepted/used today? Why or why not?


Paragraph Topics:

Fill in as we discuss during class.


Paragraph 1


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 3


Paragraph 4



Name _________________________________ Date _________ Period ____


Research Organizer

Renewable Resource Research
My Renewable Resource Choice: ______________________________________________
        Describe the process of how this technology produces electricity. (write steps)
        Advantages to this resource
        Disadvantages to this resource


Nonrenewable Resource Research
My Nonrenewable Resource Choice: __________________________________________
        Describe the process of how this technology produces electricity. (write steps)
        Advantages to this resource
        Disadvantages to this resource

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